Description Description IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Omron F150, 6" barrel, gls vp, pg36, sealed View AllClose
Add to Cart APG 35C-EJ Omron F210, 6" barrel, gls vp, pg36, sealed Allison Park Group (APG) MSRP: Now: $842.70 Was: IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Omron F210, 6" barrel, gls vp, pg36, sealed 35C-EJ
Add to Cart APG 35C-KA Sharp, 9" barrel, plain gasket, gls vp, PG36 Allison Park Group (APG) MSRP: Now: $842.70 Was: IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Sharp, 9" barrel, plain gasket, gls vp, PG36 35C-KA
Add to Cart APG 35C-BN Keyence, 7.5" brl, sealed, PG36, Gls vp Allison Park Group (APG) MSRP: Now: $842.70 Was: IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Keyence, 7.5" brl, sealed, PG36, Gls vp 35C-BN
Add to Cart APG 35C-BP Keyence, 11" brl, sealed, PG36, Gls vp Allison Park Group (APG) MSRP: Now: $874.50 Was: IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Keyence, 11" brl, sealed, PG36, Gls vp 35C-BP
Add to Cart APG 35C-BF Keyence - 6" barrel (not for CV-020), gls vp, sealed Allison Park Group (APG) MSRP: Now: $842.70 Was: IP65 standard (varies with configuration) Keyence - 6" barrel (not for CV-020), gls vp, sealed 35C-BF