Robot Technology in DIN Rail Power Supply Production

Robot Technology in DIN Rail Power Supply Production

PULS uses robots to automate repetitive work processes, be more productive, save costs and invest our time in more demanding and productive tasks. In the video you can see the new PULS robot in our production site in Chomutov.

The implementation of robots is just beginning

PULS robot technology

Robots are fascinating; even if they perform monotonous and seemingly simple tasks. But actually the routine work steps reveal the full potential of robot technology.

The production process of DIN rail power supplies includes several monotonous and repetitive work steps, which are ideally suited for robots. As technology leader, PULS makes full use of the latest advances in robot technology.

One example is the robot-controlled final functional testing of our devices which has been implemented in the production process at our plant in Chomutov. By using these technologies PULS takes a leading role; the implementation of robots for the production process in the electronics industry is just in the initial adoption phase for most companies.

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Apr 24th 2017

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