Smart Ways to Spend Your Year-End Budget Surplus

Smart Ways to Spend Your Year-End Budget Surplus

Unspent budget dollars are at risk for not only being lost come the new year but also not being made available in next year's budget. Here are some tips for using your remaining budget wisely.

1) Restock on Essentials

Stocking up on consumable items is a practical use of leftover budget. Now is the time to organize your storeroom and check stock on hand. It's also a great time to see if older parts are slated for discontinuation, what the replacement part will be and if any obsoleted parts will eventually require engineering changes to your equipment. For a limited time, you can send us your stock parts list and we will check the availability status of each item for you.

2) Anticipate Replacement Parts

Automation Distribution accepts pre-payment for future orders and will keep parts on-hand for customers with either limited storage space or multiple locations with the same equipment. Avoid last minute expedited delivery charges and unexpected stock outages by reserving these items before an emergency occurs. 

3) Lock in Current Prices

Buying parts and consumables now will not only make you prepared when the time comes, you can lock in current prices to avoid price hikes next year. Combine current year prices with quantity discounts for extra savings.  

Spending your year-end budget on consumables and anticipated replacement parts helps cement your position for budget allocation and takes advantage of lower prices which may be subject to increase the following year.  

Dec 13th 2017

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