Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric ATV320U55M3C Atv320 5,5Kw 200V 3Ph Compact Control Va

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Reach Regulation:
Reference contains Substances of Very High Concern above the threshold
Regulation Loop:
adjustable PID regulator
Ambient Air Transport Temperature:
-25-70 °C
Synchronous Motor Control Profile:
vector control without sensor
Acceleration And Deceleration Ramps:
linear || U || S || CUS || ramp switching || acceleration/deceleration ramp adaptation || acceleration/deceleration automatic stop with DC injection
Analogue Input Number:
With Safety Function Safe Direction (Sdi):
Permitted Relative Humidity (During Operation):
class 3K5 according to EN 60721-3
Option Card:
communication module, CANopen || communication module, EtherCAT || communication module, Profibus DP V1 || communication module, PROFINET || communication module, Ethernet Powerlink || communication module, EtherNet/IP || communication module, Device
standard version
Nominal Switching Frequency:
4 kHz
Maximum Output Frequency:
0.599 kHz
With Safety Function Safe Position (Sp):
Discrete Output Number:
Product Certifications:
CE || ATEX || NOM || GOST || EAC || RCM || KC
CE || ATEX || UL || CSA || EAC || RCM
Minimum Switching Current:
relay output R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2C 5 mA 24 V DC
Maximum Deflection Under Vibratory Load (During Operation):
1.5 mm at 2...13 Hz
Operating Position:
vertical +/- 10 degree
Method Of Access:
slave CANopen
Relay Output Type:
configurable relay logic R1A 1 NO 100000 cycles || configurable relay logic R1B 1 NC 100000 cycles || configurable relay logic R1C || configurable relay logic R2A 1 NO 100000 cycles || configurable relay logic R2C
Communication Port Protocol:
Modbus serial || CANopen
4 Quadrant Operation Possible:
Analogue Input Type:
AI1 voltage 0...10 V DC 30 kOhm 10 bits || AI2 bipolar differential voltage +/- 10 V DC 30 kOhm 10 bits || AI3 current 0...20 mA (or 4-20 mA, x-20 mA, 20-x mA or other patterns by configuration) 250 Ohm 10 bits
Net Weight:
3.5 kg
IEC 61800-5-1
Emc Filter:
without EMC filter
Braking To Standstill:
by DC injection
Maximum Acceleration Under Vibrational Stress (During Operation):
10 m/s² at 13...200 Hz
Maximum Acceleration Under Shock Impact (During Operation):
150 m/s² at 11 ms
Maximum Output Voltage:
240 V
With Safety Function Safe Stop 1 (Ss1):
Power Dissipation In W:
fan 242.0 W 200 V 4 kHz
Environmental Class (During Operation):
class 3C3 according to IEC 60721-3-3 || class 3S2 according to IEC 60721-3-3
Prospective Line Isc:
22 kA
With Safety Function Safely Limited Speed (Sls):
[Us] Rated Supply Voltage:
200...240 V - 15...10 %
Network Frequency:
50-60 Hz
With Safety Function Safe Programmable Logic:
Discrete Input Logic:
positive logic (source) || negative logic (sink)
Mounting Mode:
wall mount
Discrete Output Type:
open collector DQ+ 0-1 kHz 30 V DC 100 mA || open collector DQ- 0-1 kHz 30 V DC 100 mA
Environmental Disclosure:
China Rohs Regulation:
Mercury Free:
Maximum Switching Current:
relay output R1A, R1B, R1C resistive, cos phi = 1 3 A 250 V AC || relay output R1A, R1B, R1C resistive, cos phi = 1 3 A 30 V DC || relay output R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2C inductive, cos phi = 0.4 7 ms 2 A 250 V AC || relay output R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2C
150 mm
Motor Slip Compensation:
automatic whatever the load || adjustable 0...300 % || not available in voltage/frequency ratio (2 or 5 points)
Ambient Air Temperature For Operation:
-10-50 °C without derating || 50-60 °C with derating factor
Switching Frequency:
2...16 kHz adjustable || 4...16 kHz with derating factor
Nominal Output Current:
27.5 A
With Safety Function Safe Brake Management (Sbc/Sbt):
Base Load Current At High Overload:
27.5 A
With Safety Function Safely Limited Position (Slp):
Asynchronous Motor Control Profile:
voltage/frequency ratio, 5 points || flux vector control without sensor, standard || voltage/frequency ratio - Energy Saving, quadratic U/f || flux vector control without sensor - Energy Saving || voltage/frequency ratio, 2 points
California Proposition 65:
WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including: Lead and lead compounds, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
With Safety Function Safe Speed Monitor (Ssm):
Pollution Degree:
Analogue Output Type:
software-configurable current AQ1 0...20 mA 800 Ohm 10 bits || software-configurable voltage AQ1 0...10 V DC 470 Ohm 10 bits
With Sft Fct Safe Stop 2 (Ss2):
Line Current:
35.4 A 200 V heavy duty) || 29.8 A 240 V heavy duty)
With Safety Function Safe Torque Off (Sto):
Format Of The Drive:
Protection Type:
input phase breaks drive || overcurrent between output phases and earth drive || overheating protection drive || short-circuit between motor phases drive || thermal protection drive
Product Specific Application:
complex machines
232.0 mm
Sustainable Offer Status:
Green Premium product
Transient Overtorque:
170-200 % of nominal motor torque
Apparent Power:
12.4 kVA 240 V heavy duty)
Brake Chopper Integrated:
Rohs Exemption Information:
The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection and never end up in rubbish bins.
Analogue Output Number:
Ip Degree Of Protection:
Product Or Component Type:
variable speed drive
Relative Symmetric Network Frequency Tolerance:
Discrete Input Number:
With Safety Function Safe Operating Stop (Sos):
Discrete Input Type:
STO safe torque off, 24 V DC1.5 kOhm || DI1...DI6 logic inputs, 24 V DC 30 V) || DI5 programmable as pulse input 0-30 kHz, 24 V DC 30 V)
Electromagnetic Compatibility:
electrostatic discharge immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-2 || radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-3 || electrical fast transient/burst immunity test level 4 IEC 61000-4-4 || 1.2/50 µs - 8/20 µs surge im
Range Of Product:
Altivar Machine ATV320
Speed Accuracy:
+/- 10 % of nominal slip 0.2 Tn to Tn
Upgraded components available
Ambient Air Temperature For Storage:
-25-70 °C
Volume Of Cooling Air:
60 m3/h
Eu Rohs Directive:
Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)
Circularity Profile:
178.0 mm
Overvoltage Category:
Motor Power Kw:
5.5 kW heavy duty


Altivar Machine ATV320 range is an offer of variable speed drives designed for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Its compact form factor allows vertical stacking of drives inside machine frames. It works at a rated power up to 5.5kW / 7.5hp and a rated voltage from 200V to 240V AC. Its robust design with IEC 60721-3-3 class 3C3 coated printed circuit boards allows to extend machine availability in harsh environmental conditions, for example at ambient temperatures of up to 60°C without the need of additional cooling. It incorporates functions suitable for the most common applications, including torque and speed accuracy at very low speed, high dynamic performance with flux vector control without sensor and extended frequency range for high-speed motors. It also incorporates parallel connection of motors and special drives using the voltage/frequency ratio and static speed accuracy and energy saving for open-loop synchronous motors. It weighs 3.5kg and its dimensions are 150mm wide, 232mm high, 178mm deep. The drive software includes 5 safety functions that help machines meet safety requirements, whether or not they are used in conjunction with a Preventa safety module. These safety functions are configured using SoMove software. Altivar Machine ATV320 was designed for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that meets simple and advanced application requirements covered for packaging, material handling, textile, material working, mechanical actuators and hoisting. It conforms to IEC, UL, TUV, KC and other international standards. Mounting accessories and external options (braking resistors, line chokes, motor chokes, additional EMC filters) are available with Altivar Machine ATV320 drives. The type of external accessories and options depends on the drive rating. The product is delivered in three packages. It is designed to be mounted in vertical position (+/- 10 °) on a panel, thanks to 4 fixing holes. It is fully integrated inside Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Machine through DTM. It is possible to configure, control, and diagnose ATV320 drives directly in SoMachine and SoMove software by means of the same software brick (DTM).
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