- urchfªhrungsklemmen mit CAGE CLAMP<sup></sup>-Anschluss und Drªckerbettigung
- Eindeutige Handhabung durch Drªcker
- Tippprªfmglichkeit oberhalb der Leitereinfªhrung
- Befestigungsflansche fªr zustzliche mechanische Stabilitt
The WAGO component equivalent to 741623 is a specific part used in electrical and electronic applications, known for its reliability and efficiency. This component is designed to meet the same specifications and performance standards as the 741623, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration into existing systems. It is commonly used in various industrial and commercial settings, providing a dependable solution for electrical connections and signal processing. The WAGO equivalent offers a robust and durable option for users seeking an alternative to the 741623, maintaining high-quality standards and operational consistency.