Allagash Craft Brew Brought to You by Wireless Technology

Allagash Craft Brew Brought to You by Wireless Technology

At the Allagash Brewing Company in Portland, Maine, a wireless temperature control system was installed in the warehouse for better monitoring and control purposes. The new system tracks energy usage, can send important condition alerts to facility managers, and helps the entire operation operate more efficiently.

The previous system at Allagash’s off-site warehouse was dependent on basic thermostats, which were difficult to monitor. The new wireless temperature control system of controllers integrates with other technology installed at the company’s main office. Due to the size of the warehouse and the cumbersome task of running wires up 40’ ceilings, wireless technology was selected for the project.

“We installed the controllers, which are open, interoperable, and fully support standard BAS protocols, in both the refrigerated and warm rooms,” said the on-site integrator. “The controllers monitor the air conditioning equipment and are integrated into Allagash’s enterprise network controller, which provides integrated control, supervision, and network management solutions for a variety of types of controllers in the Allagash facilities.”

The Allagash system took just a few days to install. The controls in the warehouse and the office space are connected to a web interface that displays an overall view of all the temperature control units on the network. This single-view system allows facility managers to maintain a timely awareness of the operation and promptly resolve any issues. Some other benefits to the new temperature control system are a reduction in energy usage and the special bonus of improved quality since craft brews are especially sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

For any perishable products, a properly controlled warehouse is critical to prevent spoilage. Inconsistent temperatures and humidity levels can render medical supplies and pharmaceuticals ineffective. Controlling the temperature in a small area is one thing, but a large warehouse like Allagash and other high-volume companies have is a different animal. Other than the size of the warehouse, changes in the setup of storage areas and shelves can restrict air flow and create hot spots. Areas next to heaters and doors are commonly overlooked areas where temperatures require constant monitoring.

The electronics industry is another segment that requires careful warehouse temperature control. The moisture from humidity caused by the wrong or a fluctuation in temperature can damage internal components. Sometimes only a few degrees can make all the difference and manual monitoring is not as efficient as a connected system. With the food industry moving further away from use of unnecessary additives and preservatives, a temperature controlled system will maintain freshness of the product and limit financial losses from premature spoilage.

New products such as ABB’s temperature monitors and sensors are now available to monitor temperature fluctuations and render important information to make appropriate adjustments. 

Apr 6th 2017

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