FAQs About the New Universal Robots UR16e

FAQs About the New Universal Robots UR16e

The newest collaborative robot from Universal robots is now available for order. Here are some quick FAQs to familiarize you with this new automation tool. Want to get even more familiar with collaborative robots? Join us for a live demo on October 16. Register here.

Click here for UR16e Specs.

Q: Why did Universal Robots develop the UR16e? 

A: The UR16e product seeks to expand what customers can do with collaborative robots by introducing a high payload robot. The UR16e enables customers to address a wider variety of applications on their production floor. It leverages the advantages of collaborative robots, including rapid deployment, ease of use, and flexible redeployment. UR16e extends the Universal Robots product portfolio to provide a solution for high payload applications that are not currently addressed by UR or the closest collaborative robot competitors. 

Q: What are the differentiating factors for the UR16e cobot vs. similar products from competitors? 

A: The UR16e has the highest payload and best pose repeatability in its reach class. • It has 6.7% more payload capacity then the nearest competitor @ 15kg • The pose repeatability of 0.05 mm is 2 X better than nearest collaborative robot competition 5. 

Q: What applications should I consider for the UR16e? 

A: The UR16e key applications include: • Heavy material handling • CNC machine tending • Screw & nut driving 2 • Polishing, buffing, & deburring • Packaging & palletization • Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) 

Q: What is the stock availability and the delivery time for the UR16e cobot? 

A: UR16e will be in stock and available for shipment beginning September 17, 2019. The robot system will have standard lead time and delivery as all UR e-Series products. 

Q: Will an UR Academy module be launched for the UR16e? 

A: UR Academy focuses on Polyscope and programming. We don’t see the need for a specific UR16e module at this time. All training UR certified training centers use UR3e in the programs. 

Q: Are the existing software applications developed for the e-Series line compatible with the UR16e? What are the updates or modifications required? 

A: The UR16e runs on Polyscope 5.5; all software features are consistent across the platform. 

Q: Will end-of-arm-tooling (EOAT) be compatible with the UR16e cobot? 

A: The tool flange is a standard ISO 9409-1 mechanical interface and consistent with all UR robots. UR+ grippers designed for this interface will be compatible. However, new applications leveraging the full 16 kg will likely require grippers that can handle the heavier payload. If a customer has a question about an existing EOAT and whether it’s suitable for the UR16e, we recommend contacting the UR+ partner from whom it was purchased. 

Q: Are the drilling templates the same (base and tool flange)? 

A: The tool flange and the robot base are the same as the UR10e. 

Q: What safety considerations should be taken for UR16e? 

A: The e-Series platform, including the UR16e, is certified by TÜV Nord as compliant with ISO 10218-1 and rated PLd Category 3. Inevitably, higher mass payloads increase risks in 3 human contact situations, but that doesn’t change the nature of cobot deployments. In order to maintain a safe work environment for people working with and around the robot, any cobot deployment, regardless of the payload, requires a risk assessment to understand and mitigate risks in the work cell. Universal Robots’ e-Series platform has a fully certified PLd Cat 3 dual channel safety rated system – allowing customers to confidently and more effectively manage safety in collaborative operations. 

Q: Will there be a CB3 16 kg version? Are there any updates on a discontinuing of CB3? 

A: No. The e-Series is the latest, most advanced platform available from Universal Robots. There are no current plans to discontinue the CB3/G3 product line in the foreseeable future. Universal Robots will continue to fully support the CB3/G3 product line until further notice and is not developing new hardware platforms for CB3.

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Sep 27th 2019

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