How Artificial Intelligence Leads to Innovation

How Artificial Intelligence Leads to Innovation

While some people fret about a reduction in human workforce through implementation of automation and artificial intelligence, proponents reframe this objection by pointing out that relieving humans of mundane tasks will allow them to function in more innovative roles.

Many AI developments focus on elevating the human experience by providing insight coupled with increased productivity. AI allows the collection and analysis of massive amounts of data to recommend and anticipate actions while minimizing some tasks that have historically been done by humans, who have a higher error rate than a machine and cannot operate continuously or at the same speed.

Reducing long-term overhead with AI automation allows companies to invest more resources into innovation. By creating safer working conditions, insurance and legal costs are greatly reduced as well, allowing people to focus on creative projects and learn faster from AI interpreted data.

As AI technology evolves and is further designed to adapt to a more human-like level, humans will evolve as well with how this new technology is leveraged.  

Mar 2nd 2017

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