Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric TM172ODM28R Modicon M172 Optimized Display 28 I/Os

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Analogue Input Type:
impedance 0...1500 hOhm 1 hOhm 10 kOhm || impedance 0...300 daOhm 1 daOhm 2 kOhm || NTC 103AT-2 Beta 3435 temperature probe - 50...110°C 0.1°C 10 kOhm || voltage 0...10 V 1 digit > 10 kOhm || NTC NK103 Beta 3977 temperature probe - 40...137°C 0.1°C
Analogue Input Number:
8 configurable by pair
2014/30/EU - electromagnetic compatibility || 2014/35/EU - low voltage directive
Display Type:
Backlit LCD - 128 x 64 pixels
Mercury Free:
Rohs Exemption Information:
Reach Regulation:
Reference contains Substances of Very High Concern above the threshold
Product Specific Application:
HVAC control
Discrete Input Number:
Sensor Power Supply:
5-5 V DC 50 mA supplied by the controller || 24-24 V DC 150 mA supplied by the controller
Local Signaling:
for programmable 1 LED (red) || for programmable 1 LED (yellow) || for programmable 1 LED (green) || for power 1 LED (green)
Ip Degree Of Protection:
Discrete Output Number:
1 relay outputs SPDT with independent common || 3 relay outputs SPST with same common || 2 relay outputs SPST with same common || 2 relay outputs SPST with independent common
Overvoltage Category:
Ambient Air Temperature For Storage:
144 mm
Input/Output Number:
8 digital input || 8 analog input || 4 analog output || 8 digital output
Power Consumption In W:
12 W 24 V AC/DC
Net Weight:
0.3 kg
0.3 kg
California Proposition 65:
WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including: Lead and lead compounds, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
Discrete Input Current:
2.5 mA
Input Impedance:
10 kOhm
The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection and never end up in rubbish bins.
Relative Humidity:
5-95 % non-condensing
Country of Origin:
Number Of Port:
1 CAN port - screw terminal block || 1 USB type mini B - USB device port Mini-B || 2 RS485 - screw terminal block Modbus serial link or BACnet MS/TP)
Pollution Degree:
Range Of Product:
Modicon M171/M172
Realtime Clock:
built-in clock, clock drift <= 30 s/month at -20-65°C
Discrete Input Voltage:
24 V AC/DC
Measurement Accuracy:
NTC NK103 Beta 3977 - 40...+110°C +/- 1°C || NTC NK103 Beta 3977 110...137°C +/- 1.9°C || NTC 103AT-2 Beta 3435 - 50…110°C +/- 1°C || PTC - 55...155°C +/- 1.1°C || Pt 1000 - 200...-100°C +/- 10°C || Pt 1000 - 100...-50°C +/- 2.5°C || Pt 1000
Discrete Output Current:
3 A relay SPDT || 3 A relay SPST
China Rohs Regulation:
Ambient Air Temperature For Operation:
-20-65°C UL 60730-1 || -20-60°C horizontal UL 60730-1
Analogue Output Number:
2 voltage 0...10 V || 2 voltage/current 4...20 mA or 0...10 V or PWM (2 kHz)
Upgradeable through digital modules and upgraded components
Environmental Disclosure:
Mounting Support:
panel mounting with accessory || DIN rail
Discrete Input Logic:
sink or source (positive/negative)
Circularity Profile:
Sustainable Offer Status:
Green Premium product
Operating Altitude:
0...6561.68 ft (0...2000 m)
Eu Rohs Directive:
Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)
[Us] Rated Supply Voltage:
24 V +/- 10 % AC || 20...38 V DC
60.5 mm
Product Or Component Type:
programmable controllers