Linux Foundation Introduces Simple Path to Enterprise IoT

Linux Foundation Introduces Simple Path to Enterprise IoT

The Linux Foundation recently introduced EdgeX Foundry as an open-source framework to simplify Industrial IoT implementation. The adaptable edge solution is meant to unify an otherwise disjointed IoT structure to enable more companies to take advantage of the many efficiencies associated with IoT deployment.

“Success in Internet of Things is dependent on having a healthy ecosystem that can deliver interoperability and drive digital transformation. EdgeX Foundry is aligning market leaders around a common framework, which will drive IoT adoption and enable businesses to focus on developing innovative use cases that impact the bottom line,” said Executive Director of The Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin.

EdgeX offers plug-and-play accessibility and is compatible with any hardware or operating system. Software interoperability is crowd-sourced from developers who complete a certification program.

"One of the key factors holding back IoT designs in the enterprise is that there are too many choices to safely and easily implement a system that will provide a return on investment in a reasonable timeframe. EdgeX Foundry will fundamentally change the market dynamic by allowing enterprise IoT applications to choose from a myriad of best-in-class software, hardware and services providers based on their specific needs," said Mike Krell of Moor Insights & Strategy.

The anticipated quantity of data that will be available via IoT in the next few years is driving interest in edge computing. Edge computing utilizes a local system rather than sending information to the cloud, which makes data more accessible for analysis in real-time.

“Businesses currently have to invest a lot of time and energy into developing their own edge computing solutions, before they can even deploy IoT solutions to address business challenges,” said Philip DesAutels, PhD Senior Director of IoT at The Linux Foundation. “EdgeX will foster an ecosystem of interoperable components from a variety of vendors, so that resources can be spent on driving business value instead of combining and integrating IoT components.”

Open-source edge software benefits each level of the IoT chain in that it allows customers, hardware manufacturers, software vendors, device developers, and integrators flexibility, scalability, and interoperability. The Linux Foundation intends to establish membership guidelines to grow their community of developers as well as collaborate with other organizations establishing standards and guidelines around IoT.

May 5th 2017

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