Simplify CNC Machine Tending
Machine tending can be a laborious and time-consuming task. You are prevented from performing more beneficial duties because your CNC machines need practically continual supervision. While CNC machines can be more productive by using a robotic machine tending solution - minimizing the need for workers to stay close by and increasing the safety of your operation - incorporating a robot for machine tending can be difficult. Unless you are a seasoned roboticist, some particular integration dif
Oct 6th 2022
Automating the Dull, Dirty and Dangerous
The end of Q3 2022 marks the third straight quarter that American manufacturers have increased their deployment of robots. The food and consumer goods industries saw an increase of about 13%, which has been attributed to a continual requirement to control rising demand for e-commerce logistics automation.
In addition to accommodating new logistical structures, collaborative robots are being positioned to increase overall output while lightening the physical and mental burden on hum
Sep 1st 2022
Advantages of CNC Automation
One of the most popular applications for collaborative robots on the market today is machine tending. As long as the robot is constantly receiving raw materials, a robotic machine-tending operation can be repeated indefinitely. Currently, humans handle the majority of machine-tending applications. CNC machines are widely used in modern machine shops (such as lathes and milling machines). These machines need to be maintained by employees, who feed the raw material (often referred to as the r
Aug 4th 2022
Flexible Automation: Short-Term Relief or Long-Term Solution
At Automate 2022, robots were performing various pick-and-place jobs, playing chess, welding, painting, and other activities. Despite the fact that the robots were programmed to do one thing for the purposes of the event, they can be deployed in a variety of ways with reprogramming that’s as easy to operate as a smartphone, complete with GUI interface and manual manipulation options for ease of use. It's a far cry from the time when robot design and function were set in stone. This flexible
Jul 14th 2022
So Easy a Three Year Old Can Do It! Universal Robots: Come for the Safety, Stay for the Ease of Use
In the past 20 years, properly programming an industrial robotic or motion control solution required a well-trained person. During this time, robot and motion control vendors would pop up to brag about how much easier it was to program their products with the addition of setup wizards, the transition to IEC61131, or something else. Although these enhancements have made customers' and support engineers' lives easier, none of them offered an out of the box solution that could be used by someone wi
Apr 13th 2022